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how to optimize position ad google adsense

how to optimize position ad google adsense - google adsense tips - how to optimize google adsense - google adsense balance - google adsense optimized

Earn extra income is a desire and hope for all webmasters and all internet users. but for those who have become Google AdSense marketers, never realizing that in fact there are instances when they do not get the results they expect. In order to increase the click through ratio, AdSense publishers may have to transfer ad to different areas on the site. but in this article, you can learn more about Google AdSense.

where the optimal position to put adsense ad position?

Actually there are a lot of factors that can be tweaked in Google AdSense in an effort to create more wealth through the Internet. Among the most basic and most significant is where the ads are placed on the website. Ad placement can make a tremendous impact on your AdSense profits.

Experts AdSense demonstrate tips and techniques on ad placement. But indeed, there is no absolute place that could guarantee that the location of the position of an ad can be profitable for marketers google adsense ads.

Given that one of the sites is different from the others, and each set of web pages in different ways, it really does not seem possible to say with the utmost confidence that a particular placement will be most profitable at any time.

but by doing so, there are some recommendations that can be followed to increase revenue.

1. Above the Fold

It is located at the top of the web page. It can be seen instantly without the need to scroll down. being a prominent place on the page, above the fold is a strategic area for the ad to be placed. Ads placed here can be seen directly as the page loads, which means that the ad can be seen for each site visitor. With this, the visitors became more likely to click on ads.

2. in the header or below the header

This position is similar to the tips number one, that the visitors do not have to scroll down, so that the position of the ad looks.

3. Left Side

Yes, it's not just any sidebar. Ads must be placed specifically on the left than the right side. This concept comes from the fact that people read the contents from left to right. Therefore, the brain tends to be more involved when looking at the left side of the page.

In addition, people are also more prone to see things that are contained there. In addition, psychologists show that individual right hand usually prefer people who are on the left side. because this step can be considered reasonable at all.

4. In Content

Surrounding ads with quality content websites will make them blend naturally into the web page. This placement avoids creating ads that are very clear that it repel potential customers. When aligned AdSense ads into web pages, guests will be more likely to find them, and let it do the advertising content sales.

When the ad copy consists of the highest quality, really do not have to worry about getting a positive result. Again, absolutely no rule about the placement of ads on AdSense. Try experimenting different formats and layouts until the desired outcome is finally reached.

hopefully with adsense tips above can help you in achieving maximum results and benefits.
thank you.
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