One of the easiest way for you to be able to generate huge amounts of cash online without selling anything to anyone is to create a blog, and have ads on it (in particular, Google AdSense ads). What will happen here is that, whenever someone clicks on the ads that you have on your website, you will get paid. It is as simple as that.
In this post, I am going to show you step-by-step how you can create your very own blog that will generate massive amounts of cash from Google AdSense. And here is a step by step you can do to benefit from adsense blog:
In this post, I am going to show you step-by-step how you can create your very own blog that will generate massive amounts of cash from Google AdSense. And here is a step by step you can do to benefit from adsense blog:
- Choose Topic
In order for your blog to be able to get massive amounts of traffic, the topic in which you base your blog on must be something that has a demand.
One simple way to determine whether or not the topic you have chosen has demand is that, after you have defined a topic in which you would like to base your blog on, check out whether or not there are books/magazines published on that particular topic (You can either head down to a local bookstore to check this out or visit Amazon's website).
If there are many books/magazines on that topic, you can be sure that there is a demand for it.
- Create A Blog
After you have decided on the topic in which you would like to base your blog on, you need to create a blog.
You have the choice of getting a free blog from free blog providers such as Blogger, or WordPress, or you can have a self hosted blog (where you need to get a domain name, as well as hosting). But I think you can create a blog using google partners such as bloggers, because there is a possibility that Google will love your blog at a time.
When it comes to choosing your blog's address, make sure you choose something that, on one look, your prospective visitors will be able to tell what it is about.
- Create Unique Contents
You need to update your blog with unique content regularly. By saying so, I mean that you need to post an article onto your blog every day, at least 5 articles/day, and make sure that the article that you put up is unique to your blog.
The reason is because the search engines favor unique contents And they reward blogs with unique contents by ranking them high up in the search engine listings (with allows maximum visibility, and as such it will be able to receive free traffic from the search engines).
- Apply For A Google AdSense Account
If you do not already have a Google AdSense account, you will need to apply for one.
You may want to make sure that, prior to applying for one, your blog already has approximately 40 to 50 articles, More content is more likely to be accepted by google adsense. Do not rush to register your blog, please note also organic traffic coming to your blog is. Because google adsense like a blog that has visitors coming from search engines, such as google, bing, yahoo and others.
- Place Google AdSense Ads On Your Blog
After your new Google AdSense account application has been approved, what you need to do next is to place some AdSense ads on your blog. Advertise appropriate advice from google, put up ads in the sidebar, in the post, in the header. Ad placement is very influential in your income. Thus maximize their placement.
- Get Traffic To Your Blog
Traffic is the heartbeat of every website, No matter how professional looking your website is, or how informational and beneficial it is to your intended audience, if no one knows about it, then your website is deem useless. The same goes for a blog.
Therefore, you need to drive traffic to it, I am not talking about normal traffic, but targeted traffic (it's no point getting people who are not interested in your blog to visit it, as they are not going to click on any of your ads).
There are many different ways you can use to drive hordes of targeted traffic to your blog (both paid, as well as free traffic generation methods). Some of which include Pay Per Click Search Engine Marketing, Article Marketing, Forum Marketing, Email Marketing, and the list goes on.
What you need to do now is to take consistent action and update your blog regularly (as mentioned earlier, you need to update it with a new post every day), and also make use of some of the traffic strategies. So I have concluded that content is king online you need to know, the more content the more open you the opportunity to earn a great income from google adsense. Good tips for building a blog adsense above useful to you, good luck.