As the owner of the website / blog or a website, these are the words that do not want to hear or view email messages that come from Google, whose contents such as for example, google prohibit activities that once you do, because you are such activity violates Google policy, or another thing to your site banned from google. surely you all, and of course I myself do not want to get datanag ban from google.
There are several ways to do by many publishers or justify any means of income maximum for advertising. but his account remains safe and not get a ban from google. it is highly improbable, because most publishers are getting a warning from Google, one of which is that they deliberately click their own ads, some are telling their friends to click on ads. of course the google will know. Google in this case is very thoughtful and thorough in monitoring ad clicks. one ip address clicking your ads too much, it can also result in you getting the ban and warning of the google.
Do not ever think that you can deceive and beat google, google has some advanced systems in monitoring the activities of the publisher, google can tell which owners and where visitors to the blog. so if you still think and have the intention to deceive google, ready just in case your account will be banned by the google.
The good part, if one of the two user clicks on an ad thirty or forty seconds separately then this may be classed as genuine by Google. For example, users have been interested in your AdSense ads open in a new window, then they visit the site and then come back to your page, and maybe then they see other ads that appear on your site, this can be considered authentic. but the policies and provisions of google can change without prior notice. basically you should not do click on your own ads.
The bad part is when the user clicks on an AdSense ad in three or four seconds of each other, in this case while you are unlikely to be able to prohibit the person doing the action, in which case you may not get revenue from the click itself. competitors publisher in the world is not a little, so that the fear is that if they do spam to our advertising, this could result we get a ban from google. we fear is, Google will assume that ad clicks are the result of artificial ad clicks.
but here I am, there are tips that you can use to keep the activity on your site. namely to install StatCounter on the site, it is useful to monitor the activity that occurs on your site. back again to the sentence above, a common problem that often occurs is your competitors' sites come and visit on your site every day and click on your ad many times with the goal so that you will be banned by google, and hope they are so bad your account banned by google .
by running StatCounter on our site, we can not stop them to click on the ad, but the good news is you will be able to take a screenshot and send it to Google AdSense if you feel concern. hope we are all publishers must respect each other. thank you.